B&B im Wiigarte
The Wiigarte is a small oasis in the picturesque village of Osterfingen.
Swiss Parks Network
Monbijoustrasse 61
CH-3007 Berne
Tel. +41 (0)31 381 10 71
Mob. +41 (0)76 525 49 44
Regionaler Naturpark Schaffhausen - Walk along the trails of the ore-miners through the south Randen. There, where many years ago, countless pits were dug out of the earth in search of the so-called bean ore, today there are many precious habitats.
Walk along the trails of the ore-miners through the south Randen. There, where many years ago, countless pits were dug out of the earth in search of the so-called bean-ore, today there are many precious habitats for indigenous animal and plant species. Take the journey back through the bean-ore history and you will find out a lot of interesting things about the mining, processing and utilisation of this mineral resource.
The Wiigarte is a small oasis in the picturesque village of Osterfingen.
Biotope and flood-protection in Wangental: Numerous rare species , local recreation area, observation posts, information boards - you will find all of this in Wangental. Take some time to observe this natural spectacle.
All season