Alte Averserstrasse
Die alte Averserstrasse von Juf zur Rofflaschlucht steht als historischer Verkehrsweg unter dem Schutz der Eidgenossenschaft und des Kantons Graubünden.
Swiss Parks Network
Monbijoustrasse 61
CH-3007 Berne
Tel. +41 (0)31 381 10 71
Mob. +41 (0)76 525 49 44
Naturpark Beverin - Our familiar run hotel has 9 rooms:
With shower / toilet:
5 double rooms - 2 of them family rooms, with additional beds -
With shower in the room and toilet on the floor:
1 single room.
With shower / toilet on the floor:
1 single and 2 doubles
The Hotel and Restaurant Rofflaschlucht has been awarded the “Empfohlen vom” (recommended by) Label by the Beverin nature parc.
With this Award, the Beverin nature parc supports offerings, services and products that strengthen a sustainable economy, the use of local products and the preservation of nature and landscapes.
All season
Hotel Rofflaschlucht
Familie F. Melchior-Lanicca
7440 Andeer
Tel. +41 (0) 81 66 111 97