Heiligkreuz place of energy
For more than five hundred years Heiligkreuz has been the spiritual centre of Entlebuch. Visitors can find energy and peace when making a pilgrimage, doing sport or just enjoying nature.
Swiss Parks Network
Monbijoustrasse 61
CH-3007 Berne
Tel. +41 (0)31 381 10 71
Mob. +41 (0)76 525 49 44
UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch - You wander through the forest on the fairytale trail and hear the adventures of Wurzilla (literally: Rootilla), a little root child. Embark on a search for the dragon, a symbol of the healing powers strongly felt in nature.
At various points along the way, children and those with them can learn about the history of Wurzilla, the fir root child. The encounters are close to nature and connected with the elements air, earth, fire and water.
The Wurzilla fairytale trail is especially suitable for families with children between the ages of four and ten. The round walk is about one and a half kilometres long. If, as recommended, you pause at the story stations, you should allow for about two hours, of which the pure walking time is about thirty minutes. The author Lisbeth Scheidegger-Lieb also offers guided tours.
Tourismusverein Hasle-Heiligkreuz
Emmenegger Franz - Sekretariat
Heiligkreuzstrasse 31
CH-6166 Hasle
Gutes Schuhwerk, Regenjacke & genügend Trinkwasser für unterwegs gehören zu jeder Wanderung.
Weitere Tipps zum sicheren Wandern, Informationen zu Mutterkuhherden und Herdenschutzhunden und vieles mehr gibt es auf der Webseite der Schweizer Wanderwege.
Duration: 2 hours (pure walking 30 minutes)
For more than five hundred years Heiligkreuz has been the spiritual centre of Entlebuch. Visitors can find energy and peace when making a pilgrimage, doing sport or just enjoying nature.
Das Hotel Kurhaus Heiligkreuz liegt sehr ruhig und es bietet eine wunderschöne Aussicht auf die umliegende Voralpenbergwelt.
Geniessen Sie die aussichtsreiche Rundwanderung mit Einkehrmöglichkeit auf der First.