Naturpark Beverin
Viva la Grobla Geschenkbox Piz Beverin
Geschenkbox Piz Beverin von Viva la Grobla
Benannt nach einem der schönsten Aussichtsberge Graubündens, gefüllt mit vielen unserer Spezialitäten.
Ideal als Weihnachtsgeschenk, Geburtstagsgeschenk oder einfach als Mitbringsel.
Naturpark Beverin
Waldlehrpfad Andeer-Clugin
Der Waldlehrpfad zwischen Andeer und Clugin erlaubt die Entdeckung des Waldes in seiner ganzen Vielfalt mit 11 Nadelbaum- und 26 Laubbaumarten sowie 20 Sträuchern. Zusätzlich sind verschiedene Nisthilfen für Vögel entlang des Weges vorhanden.
Theme trail
Time required: 2 hoursLength: 5.30km
Naturpark Beverin
Walk to the lake of Libi
From Mathon over flower meadows to Libi mountain lake. This beautiful lake in the mountain landscape with its barbecue area is the ideal spot for a break. Go down the alpine road to the village of Lohn, where the Echo Forest entices you to visit.
Hiking trail
Time required: 4 hoursLength: 8.00km
Naturpark Beverin
Walser trail Safiental (3 days)
The Safien Walser Trail runs in 3 stages from the Rhine Gorge to the back of the Safien valley. The main direction leads from north to south, into the valley.
Hiking trail
Time required: 13 hours 30 minutesLength: 34.00km
Naturpark Beverin
Walser trail Safiental Stage 1
From Versam you will climb steadily upwards past the Brüner Alp and up to the Tenner Chrüz. The view towards Ringelspitz and Tschingelhörner becomes more and more impressive. From the Tenner Chrüz you look into Safiental. Now it’s downhill to Tenna.
Hiking trail
Time required: 5 hoursLength: 16.50km
Naturpark Beverin
Walser trail Safiental Stage 2
The 2nd Stage of the Safiental Walser trail takes you from Tenna to the valley floor via the Egschisee and then along the Rabiusa. You walk through enchanting riverside forests with diverse vegetation until you reach Safien Platz.
Hiking trail
Time required: 4 hoursLength: 10.40km