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Swiss Parks Network
Monbijoustrasse 61
CH-3007 Berne

Tel. +41 (0)31 381 10 71
Mob. +41 (0)76 525 49 44

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News from the parks

Die Schweizer Pärke am Salon Goûts & Terroirs 2024

Die Genussmesse «Salon Suisse des Goûts et Terroir» findet vom 30. Oktober bis am 3. November in Bulle (FR) statt. 
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St. Johann Monastery

Historical buildingMuseum / ExhibitionHistorical place
Season: All season

Biosfera Val Müstair - Imposing monastery with a 1200 year history of construction. The oldest parts date from 775 A.D. The UNESCO World Heritage Site is particularly famous for its frescos dating from the 9th century and the Roman murals from the 12th/13th century.

Arrival by public transport

Müstair, Clostra Son Jon Timetable SBB

The offer is suitable for

  • Adults
  • 50+


All season


Clostra Son Jon
muesum & butia
Postfach 30
7537 Müstair
Tel. +41 (0)81 851 62 28
Fax +41 (0)81 858 62 92


Clostra Son Jon
muesum & butia
Postfach 30
7537 Müstair
Tel. +41 (0)81 851 62 28
Fax +41 (0)81 858 62 92
